Monday, December 13, 2010

Bike gang

Here are some photos from the ride to work today.  I bought the camera to try to take a picture of snow on Mauna Loa, but that's right where the sun rises!  no good for photo.  too cloudy later in the day!


 isn't it crazy how the ocean doesn't drain down to antarctica?  look at that slope!  good work gravity.
dirt biking on the Cellana Road.  This is the end of my commute. No Tresspassing!


  1. grrrr 100% hate you guys right now. I'm freezing and my bike is lonely in the basement!

  2. yeah, just looking at Beth in shorts makes me shiver! It's been in the 10s and teens all week :P

  3. Here is a way to remind yourself of the cold country:

    Johnny Cash reading "The Cremation of Sam McGee"
